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10 books you must read as an investor in 2024

As an investor, staying informed and keeping up with market trends and insights is crucial. While there is a plethora of financial news and analysis available online, sometimes, delving into a good book can provide a deeper understanding of investment strategies and philosophies. Here are ten books that should be on every investor’s reading list for 2024:

1. “One Up on Wall Street” by Peter Lynch: A legendary investor and mutual fund manager, Peter Lynch, offers actionable advice for individual investors. He encourages readers to invest in what they know and understand, providing a practical guide to picking winning stocks.

2. “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham: Considered the bible of value investing, this book has stood the test of time. Benjamin Graham, often referred to as the father of value investing, lays out a comprehensive framework for investing successfully in the stock market, focusing on long-term strategies.

3. “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” by Burton Malkiel: This book presents a compelling case for index investing and random walk theory, challenging the efficient market hypothesis. Malkiel offers a historical perspective on market behavior and provides valuable insights for investors considering passive investment strategies.

4. “Security Analysis” by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd: Another classic from Benjamin Graham, this time co-authored with David Dodd. “Security Analysis” is a comprehensive guide to analyzing and valuing stocks, bonds, and other securities. It’s a must-read for investors seeking to deepen their understanding of fundamental analysis.

5. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman: While not specifically about investing, this book offers valuable insights into behavioral economics and how our minds work. Understanding the cognitive biases that influence our decision-making can help investors avoid common pitfalls and improve their chances of success.

6. “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” by John C. Bogle: The founder of Vanguard and an advocate for individual investors, John Bogle, makes a compelling case for index fund investing. He outlines a simple, low-cost approach to building wealth in the stock market.

7. “Beating the Street” by Peter Lynch: In this book, Lynch provides a step-by-step guide to researching and picking stocks that can outperform the market. He shares the strategies that made him one of the most successful fund managers of all time.

8. “The Warren Buffett Way” by Robert Hagstrom: Robert Hagstrom analyzes the investment strategies of Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most renowned investors. The book offers insights into Buffett’s approach to stock picking, capital allocation, and business evaluation, providing a roadmap for investors seeking long-term success.

9. “Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits” by Philip A. Fisher: Philip Fisher is known for his growth investing approach, and in this book, he outlines 15 points to look for when selecting growth stocks. Fisher’s principles have influenced some of the most successful investors, including Warren Buffett.

10. “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel: Exploring the complex relationship between our behavior and our finances, Morgan Housel offers a fresh perspective on money management. He highlights how our emotional and cognitive biases impact our financial decisions, providing valuable lessons for investors.

These books offer a wealth of knowledge and insights that can help investors navigate the complex world of finance and make more informed decisions. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned investor, adding these books to your reading list in 2024 can provide a solid foundation for your investment journey.

AI Is a Black Box. Anthropic Figured Out a Way to Look Inside

## AI Has Long Been a Black Box. Now We Can Glimpse Inside, Thanks to Anthropic

For as long as artificial intelligence has been a part of our lives, it’s existed as a mysterious black box. We feed data into AI systems, and they churn out insights or predictions, but we rarely understand the “how” or “why” behind these results. This opacity is a significant concern, especially in industries where transparency and accountability are crucial, such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous driving.

Enter Anthropic, a startup that’s developing a new approach to AI with interpretability at its core. Their goal is to create machine learning models that can provide explanations for their decisions and actions, offering a glimpse into the inner workings of these complex systems.

Anthropic’s co-founders, Dario Amodei and Daniela Rus, bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Amodei, a former UC Berkeley researcher, has a deep understanding of the challenges and risks associated with advanced AI systems. Rus, a professor at MIT and director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), is a renowned expert in robotics and artificial intelligence.

Together, they’ve assembled a team of talented researchers and engineers who are building AI systems that can explain themselves. “Interpretability is a key aspect of building trustworthy AI,” says Amodei. “We want to create systems that users can understand, trust, and effectively manage.”

Anthropic’s approach involves developing machine learning models that can generate natural language explanations for their predictions and decisions. These explanations provide insights into the features and data points that influenced the AI’s output, giving users a clearer understanding of how the system arrived at its conclusion.

The potential impact of this work is significant. In the healthcare industry, for example, interpretable AI systems could provide doctors with explanations for diagnostic recommendations, enabling better decision-making and improved patient care. In autonomous driving, interpretable AI could explain the reasoning behind its actions on the road, building trust and ensuring safer transportation.

But interpreting AI is not without its challenges. One key hurdle is ensuring that the explanations provided by the models are accurate and faithful representations of their decision-making processes. “It’s important to validate that the explanations truly reflect the model’s reasoning and aren’t simply providing post-hoc rationalizations,” explains Rus.

To address this, Anthropic’s team employs a range of evaluation techniques, including adversarial testing, where they intentionally try to fool the model to identify potential biases or weaknesses. They also engage in rigorous testing and validation processes to ensure the reliability and robustness of their interpretable models.

Another challenge is balancing interpretability with performance. Often, the most accurate and powerful machine learning models, such as large language models, are the hardest to interpret. Anthropic’s research focuses on developing techniques to improve interpretability without sacrificing the performance and capabilities that make AI so valuable.

As Anthropic continues to push the boundaries of interpretable AI, their work has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with and rely on these systems. By bringing transparency and accountability to AI, they are helping to build a future where humans and machines work together more effectively and safely.

What Nvidia says about AI chip demand could matter for more than just the tech trade

Nvidia, a powerhouse in the world of graphics processing units (GPUs) and artificial intelligence (AI), has long been a bellwether for the tech industry. So when the company spoke recently about a significant drop in demand for its AI chips, the market listened intently. This isn’t just a story of interest to traders in the tech sector, though. The implications of Nvidia’s experience reach far and wide and offer insights into the present and future of AI and the broader economy.

Nvidia’s revelation of a $7 billion surplus of unsold chips caused a stir in the market, leading to a decline in the company’s share price and those of its peers. This episode has brought to light the delicate balance between supply and demand in the AI chip market and the potential for overestimation of demand. It also underscores the highly cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry, where booms and busts have long been a feature. The current glut of unsold chips could be an indicator of a broader economic downturn, with businesses and consumers tightening their belts and reining in spending on tech upgrades.

However, it’s important to note that the AI chip market is still in its infancy and is prone to growing pains. The potential for rapid shifts in demand and supply is inherent in an emerging market, and companies are still navigating the challenges of aligning production with demand. This dynamic was on full display during the pandemic when remote work and online learning drove a surge in demand for tech hardware, including chips. But as pandemic restrictions ease and spending habits change, demand is adjusting accordingly.

The situation also highlights the critical role of data center customers in the AI chip market. These customers, including cloud service providers like Amazon and Microsoft, buy AI chips in bulk for use in their data centers. Their purchasing decisions can significantly influence the market. For Nvidia, a key challenge is managing the ebb and flow of these data center customers’ demands and aligning its inventory levels accordingly.

Another factor at play is the intense competition in the AI chip market, which is driving rapid innovation and a constant push to develop more advanced chips. This dynamic can shorten the lifespan of existing chips as customers hold out for the next big thing. It also fuels concerns about whether the current crop of AI chips will remain competitive or become obsolete in the face of ever-improving alternatives.

The repercussions of Nvidia’s experience extend beyond the tech trade. They underscore the broader economic and strategic importance of AI and semiconductors. Semiconductors are vital components in a vast array of products, from cars to medical devices, and their supply chain resilience is a matter of national interest for many countries. AI, meanwhile, is an increasingly critical driver of economic growth and a key area of competition between nations.

The events at Nvidia serve as a reminder of the need for a robust and resilient AI ecosystem, encompassing chips, software, data, and talent. They also highlight the potential risks of overreliance on any one company or technology in such a critical and dynamic field. As the AI landscape continues to evolve rapidly, businesses, policymakers, and investors must navigate these complexities to ensure sustainable growth and maintain a competitive edge.

While the current focus is on the surplus of unsold chips, it’s worth remembering that the semiconductor industry has a history of boom and bust cycles, and the current situation could eventually give way to another period of high demand and tight supply. This underscores the importance of careful inventory management and supply chain resilience in the sector. It also reinforces the need for companies like Nvidia to strike a delicate balance between meeting current demand and preparing for the future needs of an ever-evolving AI landscape.

The implications of Nvidia’s experience extend across the tech industry and beyond. They offer insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by the emerging AI chip market and the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry. As the AI field continues to evolve, the lessons learned from this episode can help shape more robust and dynamic strategies for companies, investors, and policymakers alike. This episode serves as a timely reminder of the importance of staying agile and responsive to market demands and technological advancements.

The impact of this episode on the broader AI ecosystem and the strategies employed by companies and investors going forward bears watching. It remains to be seen whether this will lead to a period of consolidation in the AI chip market or spur even more innovation. The actions and strategies of data center customers, as well as the responses of competitors, will also be crucial in shaping the landscape.

In conclusion, Nvidia’s experience highlights the dynamic and complex nature of the AI chip market and the broader tech industry. It underscores the need for agility, innovation, and careful strategy in a sector that is vital to the global economy and national interests. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, the lessons learned from this episode will shape the strategies and success of companies, investors, and nations alike. It remains to be seen what the future holds for the AI chip market, but one thing is sure: Nvidia’s experience will be a pivotal case study in the years to come.

AI is pervasive. Here’s when we’ll see its real economic benefits materialize

The world has been abuzz with talk of AI’s transformative capabilities, and its presence is felt across industries. But when will we witness the true economic impact of this technology? AI has already disrupted and enhanced numerous sectors, yet the question of when its full potential will be realized remains a topic of debate. As we navigate this era of rapid technological advancement, let’s explore the timeline of AI’s economic benefits and the factors influencing its trajectory.

One of the key aspects to consider is the ongoing development of AI infrastructure. The foundation for AI’s success lies in robust hardware and advanced algorithms. While significant progress has been made, further enhancements are necessary to handle the complex tasks AI promises to deliver. From powerful processors to efficient neural networks, these improvements will unlock AI’s ability to revolutionize industries like healthcare and finance.

Another factor influencing the timeline is the ethical and regulatory landscape. As AI integrates deeply into our lives, addressing concerns surrounding privacy, bias, and accountability becomes crucial. Responsible AI development and implementation are non-negotiable. Society’s trust in this technology is pivotal to its widespread adoption, and establishing comprehensive regulations will shape its economic impact.

Moreover, the education and skill development sector plays a critical role. Equipping the workforce with AI-related skills accelerates its integration. Training programs and educational initiatives bridge the gap between AI’s potential and its practical application. By empowering professionals with the tools to harness AI, we expedite its economic benefits.

In the coming years, we can anticipate a surge in AI-driven automation. From manufacturing to customer service, automation will streamline processes, boost productivity, and reduce costs. However, a balance must be struck to ensure job creation and reskilling opportunities. As AI evolves, so must our approach to employment and societal adaptation.

Collaborative efforts between governments, tech giants, and startups will accelerate AI’s economic advantages. Partnerships and knowledge-sharing foster an environment conducive to innovation. By pooling resources and expertise, we can tackle complex AI challenges and drive its real-world applications forward.

While we’ve witnessed AI’s initial economic impact, the journey towards its full potential is a marathon, not a sprint. As we navigate ethical considerations and technological advancements, the benefits will unfold gradually. Mark my words, AI will redefine industries, but patience and strategic planning are vital to reaping its long-term economic rewards.

The economic future with AI is promising, and with mindful development, we’ll witness its transformative power. Stay tuned as we unravel the next chapters of this technological revolution.

Deepfakes raise alarm about AI in elections

Deepfakes, or AI-generated synthetic media, are causing increasing concern as the 2020 elections approach. Deepfakes can make people appear to say or do things they did not actually say or do. As deepfake technology becomes more advanced and easier to use, some experts fear it could be deployed to spread misinformation or generate “viral” content during the 2020 campaign season.

Lawmakers and researchers say deepfakes pose a threat to the democratic process. Deepfakes could be used to generate false audio or video of candidates saying inflammatory or offensive things in the final days of a close election. They could also be used to spread misinformation about voting procedures or results on social media.

There are concerns that the public and media may have trouble distinguishing deepfakes from real content. As deepfake technology improves, the fakes are becoming very realistic. And people tend to believe and share shocking or sensational content, even if it’s not real.

Social media platforms say they are working to curb the spread of misinformation, including deepfakes. But detecting them is challenging, and critics argue the companies have not done enough. Legislation has also been proposed to criminalize some uses of deepfake technology, though it’s unclear if any bills will be passed into law before 2020.

Some experts argue that the threat of deepfakes is overblown and that countermeasures like media literacy campaigns and fact-checking can help limit their impact. But others say that as deepfakes become more advanced and automated, the scale at which they can spread on social media will overwhelm current countermeasures. They say policymakers need to take the threat far more seriously to protect the integrity of the 2020 elections.

The debate around deepfakes is a microcosm of the broader debate around AI and elections. Optimists believe that AI can improve civic engagement and even help combat misinformation. Pessimists worry that malicious actors will co-opt AI technologies to undermine democracy. The truth likely lies somewhere in the middle. AI is a tool, and whether its impact on elections is positive or negative depends entirely on how it’s used.

Wearable AI: will it put our smartphones out of fashion?

Wearable AI is poised to transform how we interact with technology and could make smartphones a thing of the past. As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to get more advanced, tech companies are finding new ways to integrate this technology into what we wear. From smart watches and fitness trackers to augmented reality glasses, AI is moving closer to our bodies.

While smartphones revolutionized how we communicate and access information, they still require us to look at and interact with a screen. Wearable AI promises to provide information in a seamless, hands-free way using voice assistants and head-up displays. A new generation of smart watches and fitness trackers are including virtual assistants so you can get information, set reminders, and more using voice commands.

Augmented reality smart glasses are still in their infancy but companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Snapchat are investing heavily in developing stylish glasses that can overlay digital information on the real world. Imagine wearing a pair of glasses that can instantly translate signs in a foreign language or provide turn-by-turn walking directions without having to look at your phone.

Of course, with any technology, there are risks and concerns about privacy and security that come along with wearable AI. Having microphones and cameras on your body at all times could make some people uncomfortable and open up opportunities for hacking or unauthorized data collection. Regulations will need to ensure people’s personal information and privacy are protected.

Wearable AI is an exciting new frontier for technology that could transform how we live and interact with the digital world. While still a few years away from mainstream use, wearable AI’s hands-free convenience and seamless access to information could make smartphones feel as outdated as landline phones. The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet. But for better or worse, wearable AI is coming, and it’s going to change everything.

Elon Musk says there could be a 20% chance AI destroys humanity

Elon Musk has been sounding the alarm about the dangers of artificial intelligence for years. In a recent interview at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Musk said advanced AI could potentially be an “existential threat” to humanity.
“The biggest issue I see with so-called artificial general intelligence is that people are going to entrust their security and safety to machines that are not as intelligent as they think they are,” Musk said. “AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.”

Musk has long warned about the catastrophic dangers associated with advanced AI if it outpaces human capabilities. His warnings are grounded in the idea that superintelligent machines could become so powerful that humans would not be able to control them.

Despite his concerns, Musk said we should still pursue the development of AI, but do so cautiously and with proper safeguards and oversight in place. “I’m not suggesting that we should race pell-mell into AI, but I am suggesting that we should be aware of the dangers and think about how we can ensure that the future unfolds in a good way,” he said.

Musk suggested that regulation may be needed to monitor companies and organizations developing advanced AI to ensure proper safety precautions are followed. “It’s not like I think that government regulation is great in every scenario, but I do think that AI is a sufficiently dangerous technology that government regulation is warranted,” he said.

Some experts argue that Musk’s warnings about superintelligent machines running amok are overblown and that we have a long way to go before achieving human-level AI, let alone the superintelligence that keeps Musk up at night. But Musk believes that if we’re not careful, advanced AI could emerge quickly and catch us by surprise.

“Typically, by the time something is obviously a problem, it’s very hard to put the genie back in the bottle. So if there’s even a small chance of something like that happening, I think we should be quite careful about artificial general intelligence,” Musk said. “There’s really no upside to taking unnecessary risk in this department.”

Musk said the chance of AI posing an existential threat to humanity in the next century is “not negligible” – he estimated the odds at about 20 percent. “We should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad,” he said. The future remains uncertain, but Musk’s warnings serve as a reminder that we must consider both the exciting possibilities and potential perils of rapidly advancing technology. With open discussion and proactive safeguards put in place, we can help ensure the responsible development of AI.

Scientists turn to AI to make beer taste even better

Beer is one of the world’s most popular alcoholic drinks, with millions of barrels consumed each year. Brewers are always looking for ways to improve their recipes to produce beer that tastes even better to customers. Now some brewers are turning to an unexpected source to help enhance the flavor of their beers: artificial intelligence.

AI systems can analyze thousands of existing beer recipes to detect patterns between the ingredients, brewing methods, and flavors that result. They can then suggest tweaks to existing recipes or even propose entirely new recipes that are optimized to produce specific flavors. Some craft brewers are experimenting with AI-generated recipes to create innovative and tasty new beers.

For example, IntelligentX, an AI company focused on brewing, created an AI assistant called Claude to help generate new beer recipes. After analyzing over 60,000 beer recipes, Claude proposed a recipe for a Belgian witbier that the IntelligentX brewers then produced. They found that the AI’s recipe produced a crisp and refreshing beer that was well-balanced in terms of bitterness, citrus notes, and spice. The beer even won a bronze medal at the 2019 International Brewing Awards.

Other companies are also exploring how AI can be used to improve the beer-making process. Brewers often have to rely on subjective human taste tests to evaluate new recipes, but AI systems could provide more objective assessments of factors like bitterness, aroma, and mouthfeel. Devices called “electronic noses” can detect the complex chemical signatures of different beer flavors. Combined with AI, these tools could help brewers fine-tune recipes to achieve specific flavor targets.

Some craft brewers, however, are hesitant to incorporate AI into their beer-making process. They argue that human brewers have a certain intuition and artistry that is hard to replicate in software. Brewing also depends a lot on local ingredients, equipment, and environmental factors that require human oversight. While AI may play an assisting role, human brewers will still be essential to the craft.

AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated at generating new ideas and tackling complex creative challenges. Beer brewing seems like a natural domain for AI to provide value, but striking the right balance between human and artificial input will be key. With the help of AI, brewers can produce innovative new beers more efficiently while still maintaining their craft. For beer drinkers, that means an even more diverse selection of amazing tastes and flavors to enjoy. The future of beer looks bright—and perhaps a bit robotic.

Neuralink brain chip allows paralyzed Texas college student to use social media for the first time

A Texas college student who was paralyzed in a car accident two years ago has regained some independence thanks to an experimental device implanted in his brain. The device, called a neuralink brain chip, has allowed him to communicate via a computer for the first time since his accident.

The 23-year-old student had a neuralink brain chip implanted into the part of his brain that controls hand and arm movement. The chip, about the size of a coin, translates signals from his brain into digital commands that are transmitted wirelessly to a computer. Using a keyboard and mouse emulated on the computer screen, he is now able to type messages, use social media, play games and more.

Doctors placed the chip in the area of his brain that previously controlled his right arm and hand. Even though signals from his brain can no longer reach his limbs, the chip can detect those signals and translate them into digital commands for the computer. The technology is giving the student a level of independence he hasn’t experienced since before his accident. He is able to connect with friends, stay up to date on current events and engage in hobbies like gaming.

The student underwent a procedure to have the chip implanted last year as part of a clinical trial at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He went through months of training to learn how to use the technology before the chip was activated two months ago. The medical team will continue to work with him to improve his ability to control the computer and add new functions.

The neuralink brain chip was developed by neuroscientists and physicians at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Their research is focused on using technology to restore independence and improve quality of life for those with paralysis and limb loss. The team hopes their work can eventually help large numbers of people with a variety of neurological conditions.

The student says the ability to connect with friends and family through social media has made a huge impact on his mental wellbeing. He feels less isolated and alone, and more independent and empowered. His story offers hope that technological innovations may help improve lives of those with severe disabilities. The medical team leading the research believes neuralink brain chips could provide a life-changing solution for many people in the coming decades.

Microsoft’s first AI PCs are the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6 for businesses

Microsoft has unveiled its latest Surface lineup, which includes the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6, both powered by AI technology for improved performance and battery life. The new devices are aimed at businesses and are designed to offer a more powerful and efficient experience for professionals.

The Surface Pro 10 is the latest iteration of the popular 2-in-1 laptop and tablet hybrid, featuring a larger 14.7-inch display and improved battery life. The device is powered by Intel’s 11th generation Core processors and features Microsoft’s new AI-powered performance boost, which uses machine learning to optimize the device’s performance based on the user’s needs.

The Surface Laptop 6, on the other hand, is a more traditional laptop, featuring a 15-inch display and a sleek design. The device is powered by AMD’s Ryzen 5000 series processors and also includes Microsoft’s AI-powered performance boost.

Both devices are designed to offer a more efficient and powerful experience for businesses, with improved battery life and performance. The new Surface lineup also includes the Surface Go 3, a more affordable and portable option, and the Surface Book 2, a powerful desktop replacement.

Microsoft’s new Surface lineup is available now, with prices starting at $749 for the Surface Pro 10 and $999 for the Surface Laptop 6. The Surface Go 3 and Surface Book 2 are also available for $399 and $1,499, respectively.

With this new lineup, Microsoft is aiming to offer a more comprehensive and powerful range of devices for businesses, catering to the needs of professionals in a variety of industries.

The new Surface devices are designed to offer a reliable and efficient experience, with improved performance and battery life, making them a great choice for businesses looking for a powerful and affordable solution.

Microsoft’s AI-powered performance boost is a welcome addition to the Surface lineup, offering users a more efficient and responsive experience.

The new Surface devices are available now, and with a range of options to choose from, businesses can find the perfect device to suit their needs. Whether it’s the powerful Surface Book 2, the portable Surface Go 3, or the AI-powered Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6, Microsoft has something to offer for every professional.

The future of computing looks bright with Microsoft’s new Surface lineup, offering a more efficient and powerful experience for businesses and professionals alike.

For businesses looking for a reliable and powerful solution, the new Surface devices are a great choice. With improved performance, battery life, and Microsoft’s AI-powered boost, the Surface lineup is a testament to the company’s innovation and commitment to offering the best possible experience.

The Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6 are Microsoft’s first AI-powered PCs, and they offer a promising start to the company’s AI-driven future.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News readers can explore the new Surface lineup and experience the power and performance of Microsoft’s latest devices.